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King Rawana

Many people have heard the meaning of going to Kinaththe.
Kitthane Kinathte song is not a baila, dance as you want
The beat that only knows the words and doesn't know the meaning of Sinhala is a song that goes up for those who listen to it, but it's not a baila that dances.
What is this?
The meaning of Kiththi story is that this is the proud story of our seven generation.
Sakwiththan married to Hiru
Sinhalese Deepa means our solar clan where even the Sakvithi kings kneeled down.
Puppane poo pane
The flowers of the sweet wage are the cavum. Those who read Kusa Da Kawa may know.
So this says how the Ravana generation of Sinhala country's past sins are dressed for the new year.
′′ Dabaru Buddha's drum
The one who protected
Sweets, sweets and feathers.
The one who works in shape ′′ is the way a new year by playing drums and cooking other sweets and pigeons.
′′ In Anurapura
Siyan nation
Milk rice sadena ′′ from the fields of Anuradhapura which our own people harvested with their own efforts.
′′ Samanola in the Sabaray
The fresh harvest of the Sabaragamu people is the way to prepare the alms of the Buddha's land.
Spring has come, how the people of Ravana are dressed together for the new year.
′′ Nakula is like a god.
The one who is the one who is the one who is the one
Looking from the corner of the eyes
Ladun acting
In the oldest country
The protector of the customs of Korale
That island is for one auspicious time
Everything happens ′′ how powerful men did farming. Amidst the joy of the spring festival, the young boys fell in love with them. The way the whole country worked together at the same moment.
This is singing about this lucky land that even the heavenly inheritance blooms.
So without knowing the meaning, you are dancing near the well
Looks like a rascal
This is not a joke.
Swasti events


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